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 Post subject: When all the FACTS com out of Ukraine THE WORLD WILL KNOW
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:01 am 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 758
The Documents coming out of the BIOLABS and others captured by the Russians will REVEAL

the FILTY DIRTY SECRETS OF SIN AND DEATH to say it in a Biblical phrase.

ALL THE DIRTY MONEY AND DIRTY LAUNDRY that has be sent over there from US POLITICIANS and crooked business will be EXPOSED

by President Putin. It will show SHOCKING information of a whole host of evil and will PUT THE EXCLAMATION POINT on the great reset.

GEN X was the TARGET all along just like I have TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED to warn people of The millennials will also suffer . GEN Z is already GOING THEIR OWN WAY and will adopt the MARK OF THE BEAST AND NOT EVEN THINK TWICE THEY WILL do business with WHATEVER IS LEFT after the die off from war disease and famine. and yes OUR OWN PEOPLE are dying NOW and many more will die soon.

OUR legit elected PRESIDENT WAS OVERTHROWN AND THE LAST GASP of what "was" WAS MAGA. It has DIVIDED that movement with ukraine war and psych warfare so there is not much left.

"fellows it been good to know yous"


YOU WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING their are people who are fully convinced they will survive it all

and really are ALREADY TARGETED.


PRAY time is short

 Post subject: Re: When all the FACTS com out of Ukraine THE WORLD WILL KNOW
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:36 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:40 am
Posts: 21

Hey Mike, just wanted to go on record that I do not believe Trump is our legit elected president nor was overthrown.

Now, I agree there is an argument to be made that the constitution states that legislatures solely make rules for elections, and some politicians instead made laws related to mail-in voting and other voting processes "due to Covid". But the legislature had an obligation to push harder to establish their constitutional power, and they really didn't push. So the voting laws stood, as their silence was considered acceptance. In that case, someone could argue that the election was "tilted left legally". That one I agree with. But if all the votes were legitimate and the laws just influenced more democrats to vote, was it "stolen"? I'm on the fence about that one.

I am pretty extreme right. I voted for Trump the first time. But I also believe nothing anyone concludes. This includes Trump AND Biden and everyone in between. There are outright lies on both sides. So when someone makes a claim that is important to me, I chase it down and instead of listening to THEIR conclusion I get the facts and make my own conclusion. This is how I know there are lies on both sides.

The two that really pissed me off to be honest were:

1) Giuliani's "smoking gun video" where Giuliani and Trump both misled the world by only showing one small part of the surveillance video, even though they had the WHOLE VIDEO that shows where the boxes came from. They claim these "suitcases" as they called them, the origins of the boxes under the table with the skirt around it are suspect. I was able to get much of the raw video myself, and earlier in the video it's very clear fist that these are most certainly NOT suitcases, and it shows how these boxes got there. Earlier in the video you see the tables being set up clearly with nothing under them, then you eventually see some local ballots being placed in boxes, sealed with official seals, and the boxes being slid under the table. Also, the explanation of why this happened made sense to me and in my opinion is a perfectly logical explanation. 60 Minutes has subsequently released much of this video here: URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (https:)// But Trump and Giuliani claimed the boxes were brought in from outside, clearly untrue regardless of what you think of the legitimacy of the votes IN the boxes. The fact that the video shows that they were legit ballot boxes and not "suitcases" as Trump and Giuliani called them shows mal-intent and dishonesty in my opinion. This therefore must have been an outright lie meant to cause FUD. Makes me want to not believe anything they say. Disheartening.

Trump and Giuliani had the entire video but PURPOSELY misrepresented it, demonstrated by the fact that they continued to make this claim way beyond the release of the real footage. Not an honest mistake.

To this day I run into extreme right people who have never seen the first part of the video and still believe the boxes came from unknown sources.

2) Pennsylvania, Trump said there were more votes than voters in Pennsylvania. Back when he said this the first time, I chased this down. I took this a little personally because Pennsylvania was involved. It turned out that some other representative or politician quoted preliminary numbers from the SAFE web site, that's the number he was using in the calculation. This number was proven to be a preliminary early number, yet Trump continued to broadcast this lie even at one of the CPAC gigs well after the fact checks showed the error. Not this last CPAC, a prior one. But there is no way this was an honest mistake, as if I was able to find the truth certainly Trump and the others could have done the same thing. This turned a possible honest mistake into a lie in my view. I don't remember all the exact details because it was so long ago, but I believe this is what I remember finding.

So at this point, I don't believe anything Trump says. I want none of this lying Trumpism anywhere near our goverment ever again. I want integrity and honesty and someone who will put the country ahead of their own personal win. It's a shame because I agree with Trump on so many things like immigration and "no free lunch" and "reap what you sow". But this is just too much.

And yes, I believe Trump put HIMSELF ahead of our COUNTRY. Just saying that there was election fraud WITHOUT outright PROOF of such demonstrates that. Such a statement from the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD could have thrown markets into a frenzy or caused foreign turmoil. YOU DON'T SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT UNLESS IT'S PROVABLE 100%, AND EVEN THEN YOU THINK TWICE ABOUT THE REPERCUSSIONS IT WOULD HAVE. You don't just throw around statements like that. But he started making these claims even before it was POSSIBLE to have proof because the election had not even completed yet. Reckless minimally, but impeachable possibly in my opinion, considering this and all other issues mentioned.

Lastly, the fact that the President of the United States, who has sworn to "best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" allowed the Jan 6th riot to occur as long as it did WHILE REMAINING SILENT was a violation of his oath. All he had to do was make a public statement and it would have stopped. I do not believe he is guilty of CAUSING the riot initially, his words were vague enough that nobody could say that was his intention. I do believe that. But his silence locked in his guilt and responsibility for the riot.

I may vote for DeSantis or other hard-right candidates but they must stay within the realm of TRUTH and HONESTY, AND PUT THE UNITED STATES ABOVE THEIR OWN PERSONAL AGENDA. But Trump or anyone who pushes election fraud WITHOUT INDISPUTABLE PROOF will never see my vote.

 Post subject: Re: When all the FACTS com out of Ukraine THE WORLD WILL KNOW
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:49 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 1:27 am
Posts: 758
Very well written sir. 2 points with supporting arguments.

It will be a challenge to collate every moment since the night of November 3rd to make an effective argument. This is what makes a democratic-Republic work, open debate of issues WITHOUT CENSORSHIP. As always I am grateful for the open platform to present my positions.

Ok Start with this:

"OVERTHROWN:" to depose, as from a position of power; overcome, defeat, or vanquish

Today RSBN YouTube channel(now censored but on rumble) had Senator Mastriano, Mike Lindell and others present an Argument in Pennsylvania to show how President Trump was "overcome" and "defeated" by having the 2020 ELECTION "STOLEN" by cheating and fraud. MAGA was certainly vanquished to a degree.

And in the process the "will of the people" was overcome and defeated.

The Penna legislature requested the electors be sent back to the state for review.

URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (https:)//
Certainly shows enough to warrant a full-scale AUDIT of the entire election. However 22 months is Federal Law for retaining "records"

A local precinct was 79% at 3am Nov 4 via the county records and somehow wound up at 66% Trump after a week of "counting"

Where there is smoke there is fire.....

President Trump Advisor Peter Navarro Report

URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (https:)//

And others.

I can't say for sure about the video of the ballot deliveries or double counting in Georgia.

Anyone that has followed this knows something wasn't right by the attendance of a few hundred thousand at the FIRST DC RALLY after the election with the baby strollers and the working class. Then was when TRUMP should have stopped and gave a speech instead of playing golf.

Is he a bombastic narcissist? Of course. DO I KNOW AND BELEIVE HE WON 2020 AND WAS OVERTHROWN?

'With all of my life experience, sense and information sifting ability" Yes!


Our country is being destroyed. The dollar is worth almost nothing compared to 1976 and INLFLATION WAS BAD AND INTEREST RATES WERE TERRIBLE BACK THEN.

the difference is we don't even make washers in Iowa or Indiana anymore let alone TV's and toasters.



And less we have any doubts

another COUNTRY IS BEING cornered and censored for NOT GOING ALONG WITH the policies of the WEF and kicking it OUT of their "front yard"

and AGAIN there is a threat of "bad things" from various 3 letters for expressing


Writing this tonight made me finally realize why I am here in 2022 (1984)



 Post subject: Re: When all the FACTS com out of Ukraine THE WORLD WILL KNOW
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:37 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:40 am
Posts: 21
Hey Mike, yes I like debating about this stuff. I talk with my friends about it, and we make sure to not get angry or emotional about it. Let's try our best to keep that same mindset, because actually we are both on the same side. I am pretty hard core Republican policy-wise. Here's my thoughts.

(URLs rewritten, remove parenthesis (https:))//
Certainly shows enough to warrant a full-scale AUDIT of the entire election

Possibly, I'm all for investigating everything. I didn't see any specific details on that site. That's just more other people's conclusions that I ignore, I would like to know very specific data that proves fraud and maybe I'd agree. Not just something that has good solid alternative explanations... like...

A local precinct was 79% at 3am Nov 4 via the county records and somehow wound up at 66% Trump after a week of "counting" this. With all due respect, Trump was commanding everyone in every rally to vote IN PERSON. He wanted NOBODY to vote by mail. The end result was that the majority of his voters did just that. Even before the election, it was stated that the election is going to show an initial burst of Trump voters as the in-person votes are counted initially, followed by a burst of Biden votes afterwards as the mail-in votes are counted. What you describe is exactly what was predicted to occur I believe. Also, there were some "bursts" that were just normal parts of how the votes are entered. When counted, they enter them that way with candidate X first then candidate Y next. I did research that back when it started getting attention, and their explanations were all perfectly understandable and possible. In my opinion, Trump asked all his voters to vote in person to cause exactly this illusion, and seeded the ground for his attempts for voting to STOP prior to the mail ballots being completed. This is an illusion, surely you agree.


I read a bit of that, it has a paywall on it, but I have seen many reports similar and they all make broad conclusions. I have read I think two of the lawsuit complaints about fraud, I listened to Giuliani in court making his case, and absolutely none of them had any actual proof that fraud happened. My counter point to that was the Cyber Ninjas were tasked with finding the fraud, even their biggest suspected area of fraud that they chased in Arizona did not produce proof of fraud. There's a lot of coincidental events that have alternate explanations, but in my opinion no proof. I'd be happy to hear anything you'd consider proof in their finding, maybe I missed it. Trust me, I too wish Republicans had won. You're typically right that where there's smoke there's fire, except in the instance where all the smoke is stirred up artificially, which is what I think is happening on the fringe right. Left does it too by the way. This makes me ignore the smoke, I want to see the fire to know there's a fire.

Our country is being destroyed. The dollar is worth almost nothing compared to 1976 and INLFLATION WAS BAD AND INTEREST RATES WERE TERRIBLE BACK THEN.

YES I absolutely agree with you 100% on this point. We are on the same side, I disagree with just about all of Biden's policies and decisions, I agreed with almost all of Trumps policies and decisions.

Where our opinions differ is that I just don't like someone who puts himself above our country, and I feel that's what Trump did. I am an American first, a Republican second. Trump is TRUMP first, and America/Republican/whatever a very distant second. Calling out election fraud even before the votes were even counted was an example of recklessness that put the country at risk.

Even IF there was provable election fraud, as President of the United States of America I would sit down with my advisors and cabinet and discuss with them how such a revelation could harm the country. I would make 1000% sure it was true before announcing to the world that the cornerstone of the Free American System is a fruad...? Wow. An announcement like that could cause great turmoil. Trump was throwing it around as a weapon, along with anything else he could leverage to help himself. And just himself. That's bad.

The Penna legislature requested the electors be sent back to the state for review.

Not really. The legislature is Democratically controlled, and many Republicans simply signed a statement asking for this. Far from a vote or formal declaration. From Google: "Meanwhile, 64 Republicans in Pennsylvania’s Legislature — fewer than half the total, but including House GOP leaders — signed a statement Friday urging members of Congress to block Pennsylvania's electoral votes from being cast for Democratic President-elect Joe Biden. "

Yes these are trying and stressful times. I want exactly what you want. I want closed borders. I want the free money to stop flowing to those who aren't deserving of it. I want the capitalist system to work exactly the way it was designed, work hard and you succeed. There needs to be pain to have success. Companies have to fold sometimes as a normal part of keeping capitalism working. Once the vaccines came out, Covid should have departed the news as those who wanted the shot could get it and those who didn't wouldn't, and the vaccine supposedly makes Covid only as dangerous as the flu so the covid story ends. I'm not driving 20mph the rest of my life because others refuse to wear a seatbelt, and I'm not wearing a mask the rest of my life because others refuse to get a vaccine. Same thing.

But I also want a leader who I can trust and respect, who is honest and trustworthy. Trump ain't it in my opinion.

Throw a reply if you have time sometime. Note that I don't check this every day, will try to get back when I can.


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